This can be substituted for anything, because you can wish for anything, although I wouldnt suggest wishing for material things or a specific person to love you etc etc.
You will need:
Some white petals.
Pour some blessed water over the roots of the plant you take them from as a thankyou.
A handy stream, river, ocean, or other moving form of water.
A bit of concentration or willpower.
Go to the river with your petals. Take them in your hand and meditate on your wish for as long as you feel fit. Then throw them one by one into the river and visualize the water taking the petals away to get your wish.
You can modify this spell to your wish if you like.
I did this spell to forget about someone that i was infactuated with but who didnt like me, so to add extra strength to the spell, i walked all the way home from the stream without turning back.

A spell to change your life for the better
On the night of the new moon, sweep under and around your bed and collect a little dust.
Lay it carefully in the center of a piece of plain paper(white) on a table where a candle burns.
Put out all other lights.
Sit at the table and look at the flame.
Quietly say (or think)
"as this candle burns
"as this planet turns
"as this dust is scattered
"my oppositions shatter."
As you finish saying the rhyme, carefully pick up the paper and blow the dust out of an open window.
Close the window, return to the seat at the table, look into the flame again and say:
"Each day will dawn
"with a trouble gone.
"as fades this flame
"my troubles the same."
As you reach the word "same", blow the candle out. Sit for a minute in the dark before you switch the light on.
Repeat this spell whenever you feel inclined.
Grimore/Book of Shadows
Book Blessings for your own Grimore
A witches book of spells, rituals and lore. Witches keep personal entries and sometimes specific pictures or letters to keep track of their progress and notes
Light a white candle and sandlewood incense have your
Grimore in your hands and say the following…..
In the realm of magics let this book reside.
No one but the chosen shall see what’s inside.
If breath be to Air as passion to Fire,
Let harm come to none, this is my desire
If life be to Earth as Water to emotions,
This book be filled with magical potions
May the Gods protect it, keep it from harm
And upon it bestow power, magics and charm
No one without wisdom shall peer at its page
Or the knowledge inside handed down through the ages
This book be it mine, it harbors no fears
The knowledge obtained through blood sweat and tears
My magic’s my passion, the spirit’s my guide
The love for the Goddess I hold deep inside
The book may she bless it with spiritual light
And let only her children read of its ritee
For those of the Old Ways can truly can see
That this be my Will, so mote it be
Submitted by: Kahat
Kitchen Witch Reverse Spell
Three red candles, one black candle
a bottle of rue oil or rue herb.
a small bottle of olive oil.
A small candle holder
a clean piece of paper
a red pen to write with are the next things.
Use a new pen if possible, saving it for this type of spell.
A good thing to do is to get a variety of colored pens to save
for doing specific spells.
Melt the black wax of the candle in a double boiler and dip the lower half of the red candles in it making the black wax coat half of it.
On a wanning moon night, take a bath in sea salt and a bit of rue oil or rue herb.
Do not towel dry yourself.
Wear whatever is comfortable, but you want to air dry.
Then, get out the rue oil or, in a small bowl, mix 3 tablespoons of ground or cut rue and 1 ½ tablespoons of olive oil.
Coat one candle with the oil or oil herb mixture anointing from the middle out, going counter clockwise.
Do the bottom half first, then the top, You’ll be doing this spell over three consecutive nights. So save the rest of the candles and the oil in a safe place. On the piece of paper, write down what you’d like to see reversed from you…
Bad luck in love, financial problems, inability to find what you need in your life etc.. Get thoughtful make sure it’s something you really want to send away.
Place the piece of paper under the candle holder (it would probably be smart to put this in a pie plate or some other fireproof container)
Charge the candle with your desire to see these things or trends gone, Light the candle, using a lighter, only (no matches) do this for the next two nights, Once you’re done, burn the piece of paper, seeing your life as if a weight lifted from it. If there’s any leftover wax, collect it in a brown paper bag bury that someplace far from you, or throw in a trash can across town! Then forget about it. Don’t worry over it, just know it worked.
You can do this whenever you feel the things in your life are not going the direction you’d wish, and different candle colors can be used for specific reversals. This is for general, overall reversals.
Self Blessing
This ritual should be performed during the new moon, but it is not limited to that phase Need, not season, determines the performance
There is real power in the Self Blessing; it should not be used other than in time of need and should not be done promiscuously.
The purpose of the ritual is to bring the individual into closer contact with the Goddess/God It can also be used as a minor dedication, when a person who desires dedication has no one who can dedicate her or him.
This self-blessing ritual may also be used as a minor exorcism, to banish any evil influences, which may have formed around the person.
It may be performed by any person upon themselves, and at their desire.
Perform the ritual in a quiet place, free from distractions, and nude
You will need the following:
1) Salt, about one quarter teaspoon
2) Red wine about an ounce.
3) Water about half an ounce.
4) Candle, votive or other, it doesn’t matter
The result of the ritual is a feeling of peace and calm.
It is desirable that the participant bask in the after glow so that they may meditate and understand that they have called the attention of the Gods to them, asking to grow closer to the Gods in both goals and in wisdom.
When you are ready to begin sprinkle the salt on the floor and stand on it, lighting the candle.
Let the warmth of the candle be absorbed into the body. Mix the water into the wine, meditation upon your reasons for performing the self-blessing.
Read the following aloud:
“Bless me Mother, for I am Thy child”
Dip the fingers of the right hand into the mixed water and wine and: anoint the eyes “Blessed be my eyes, that I may see Thy path"
Anoint the nose, “Bless be my nose, that I may breathe Thy essence”
Anoint the mouth, “Blessed be my mouth, that I may speak of Thee”.
Anoint the breast, “Blessed be my heart, that I may love Thee”
Anoint the loins, “Blessed be my loins, which bring forth the life of the children of the Gods as Thou has brought forth all creation”
Anoint the feet, “Blessed be my feet, that I may walk in Thy ways”
Take a deep breath and exhale slowly,
“Bless me Mother for I am your child, your priestess (or priest) your witch”
Remain….and meditate for a while.
When you are done, snuff out the candle and feel the presence of the Goddess within you.
To Get a Liar To Tell The Truth
Those little white lies can reveal little black hearts.
If someone is lying to you or about you in a malicious manner, you can even up the score some by this spell.
You will need:
*A Black Feather
The Spell
Take the black feather and clean it lightly in water.
On a new moon, hold the feather to the sky and say
Give this feather to the liar or place it in a personal space of his or hers, and say:
The truth will come out.
(the little book of hexes for women)\
Good Luck Spell
Its best to perform this one while the moon is waxing.
For this spell you’ll need a candle to represent yourself in whatever color you think appropriate,
A grey candle,and a orange candle.
Light the candle that represents yourself and say:
This is all the bad luck that has dragged my footsteps.
Trouble, disappointments and tears are here
This bad luck now leaves me forever.
Light the grey candle and say:
All that was bad is neutralised.
All my bad luck is dissolved.
Light the orange candle and say;
“This is the energy coming my way to get my life moving and speed up the change”
Sit quietly for a while and visualise the negative energies being whisked in the gray candle and dissolved into empty nothingness.
Visualize the orange candle drawing good luck towards you, see the air stirring about with possibilities and opportunities.
Let the candles burn down completely (take the usual safety precautions)
Charge of the Dark Goddess
The Dark Goddess speaks to us, Though the mouths of Lilith, Kali, Tiamet, Hekate, Nix, The Black Madonna, Nemesis and Morgaine.
I am the Darkness behind and beneath the shadows.
I am the absence of air that begins again,
The decay that fertises the living .
I am the bottomless pit,
The never ending struggle to reclaim that which is denied.
I am the key that unlocks every door.
I am the glory of discovery,
For I am that which is hidden, secluded and forbidden.
Come to me at the Dark moon and see that which can not be seen,
Face the terror that is yours alone,
Swim to me through the blackest oceans,
To the centre of your greatest fears,
The Dark God and I will keep you safe,
Scream to us in terror and yours will be the power to forbear.
Think of me when you feel pleasure,
And I will intensify it
Until the time when I may have the greatest pleasure
Of meeting you at the crossroads between the worlds.
The Dark God
I am the fire within your heart, the yearning of your soul.
I am the hunter of knowledge and the seeker of the Holy Quest.
I who stand in the Darkness of Light, am He whom you have called Death
I consort and mate of She whom we adore, call forth to thee
Heed My call, beloved one, come unto Me and learn the secrets of death and peace.
I am the corn at harvest and the fruit on the trees.
I am He who leads you home.
Scourge and flame, blade and blood, these are mine gifts to thee.
Call unto Me in the forest wild and on hilltop bare and seek Me in The Darkness Bright.
I who have been called Pan, Herne, Osiris and Hadespeak to thee in thy search.
Come dance and sing; come love and smile, for behold: This is my worship.
You are my children and I am Thy Father.
On swift night wings, it is I who lay you at the Mother’s feet to be reborn and to return again.
Thou who thinks to know Me, know that I am the untamed wind, the fury of the storm and passion in your soul..
Seek Me with courage, lest you be swept away in the seeking
Seek with pride and humility, but see me best with love and strength for this is my path, and I love not the weak and fearful
Hear My call on long winter nights, and we shall stand together guarding
Her Earth as she sleeps.
Listen to the Words of the Dark God,. who was of Old called Anubis, Donn, Hades, Sestar, Hodar, and be many other names:
I am the shadow in the bright day;
I am the reminder of mortality at the height of living.
I am the never ending viel of night where the Star Goddess dances.
I am the death that must be so that life may continue for behold,
Life is immortal because the living must die.
I am the strength that protects, that limits;.
I am the power that says no, and no further and that is enough.
I am the things that can not be spoken of,
And I am the laughter at the edge of Death.
Come with me into the warm unfolding dark:
Feel my caresses in the hands, in the body of the one you love, and be transformed.
Gather in the moonless night and speak in unknown tongues;
And the Dark Mother and I will listen.
Sing out and cry out.
And the Power will be yours to wield
Blow me a kiss when the sky is Dark,. and I will smile, but no kiss return.
For my kiss is the final one for all mortal flesh.
This isn't Basic but I love it.....
Fotamecus Empowerment Rite
Fotamecus is a historically recent addition to the pantheon of deities associated with time, the other major one of note being Chronos. But whereas Chronos is associated with the concept of time as fixed and immutable, Fotamecus depends on the concept that time is fluid and malleable. It is because of Chronos' restrictions of freedom through the concepts of fixed time that Fotamecus has decided to wage war on him; the following ritual is aimed at aiding Fotamecus in the war against Chronos, and in gaining his favor through helping him. Because modern societies are completely dependent upon clock and currency (time is money), aiding Fotamecus in destroying current conceptions of time can be considered one further step in the immanentization of the eschaton.
Materials Required:
A drum
A small digital clock (a dot clock for a car dashboard or a small child's watch is cheap and effective)
A roll of toy caps (or other material that explodes when hit). DO NOT use blasting caps, or caps for rifles/shotguns/etc--- The idea is to create a small "BANG", not to take your hand off! * A rock, heavy enough to smash a small digital clock and roll of toy caps. * Three people: Drummer, Chronomancer, and Warrior. * Observers (optional), as many as want to watch this rite.
-16. The participants enter a dark place clad however they see fit. No one should be wearing a timepiece, nor should one be present in the working space. The Drummer should be carrying the drum, the Chronomancer the small digital clock, and the Warrior the roll of caps and rock.
-15. The Drummer, Chronomancer, and Warrior face each other in a triangle, and plant their feet firmly at shoulder width. Any other participants form a circle around them, observing this ritual.
-14. The Chronomancer looks to the Drummer, a question on his face, mentally asking if the Drummer is resolved to perform this rite. The Drummer nods, and raises the drum to a ready position.
-13. The Chronomancer looks to the Warrior, a question on his face, mentally asking if the Warrior is resolved to perform this rite. The Warrior nods, and presents the rock and roll of caps in his weapon hand.
-12. Resolution affirmed, the Chronomancer presents the clock to the Drummer, who does not touch it but examines it by sight, and nods when he/she is convinced that it is a suitable sacrifice for the rite. The Chronomancer then presents the clock to the Warrior, who does not touch it but examines it by sight, and nods when he/she is convinced that it is a suitable sacrifice for the rite.
-11. The Chronomancer raises the clock to the sky, presenting it to Fotamecus. All participants look up, summoning Fotamecus with their thoughts, asking him to come and see the sacrifice that is being made to further his was against Chronos. Observers should now visualize the Fotamecus sigil, and keep it somewhere in their minds for the duration of the rite.
-10. Whether Fotamecus presents himself or not, the Chronomancer then cups the clock between both hands, and the Drummer begins to beat the drum slowly and steadily (60-80 beats per minute). Here is symbolized a return to natural rhythms--- the beat of the drum reveals itself once the clock has been hidden from sight. All participants should contemplate this for a few moments.
-9. Clock still hidden between cupped hands, the Chronomancer lowers his head and closes his eyes. The Chronomancer then focuses on his conceptions of time. The beat of the drum, he notices, is the same rhythm as that of his heart, that of the turning of days, that of the wheel of the seasons... a steady measurable beat, yet a beat that can change at any time. This is opposed to the machine trapped within his hands, a cold, calculating piece of machinery that measures off time as if it were a commodity with fixed value, a value determined, in fact, by the "dollars for hours" mentality of those trapped by this conception of time. The Chronomancer is overcome with disgust for this conception of time, this linear, immutable, mind-numbing procession of numbers that only mean something because everyone agrees to the same hallucination of time as a fixed phenomenon. How can this be? The drumbeat may alter its speed, and is measured only by beat-pause, beat-pause... There are no numbers to the beating of your heart or the turning of the days or the wheel of the years--- they are infinite, and forever differing, the space between them a matter of perception.
-8. All other participants are encouraged to be thinking similar thoughts, focusing their disgust for a concept of fixed time upon the clock in the Chronomancer's hands. The Warrior, in addition to contemplating his disgust for fixed time, also feels this disgust rising as the desire to destroy fixed time. Yet as the perfect Warrior, he realizes that he must wait--- the time, he realizes, is not right... And he will not know how long he must wait; it cannot be measured in seconds or minutes or hours, only in patience. And once this clock is destroyed, there will be others--- events are not bound by time, time is bound by events both done and yet to be done. He will wait for the right moment to destroy this clock, knowing that even after this act is done, there will be other clocks to destroy. This Warrior's task is never completed.
-7. The Drummer, after a suitable amount of time has passed (up to the Drummer's judgement), slowly begins to raise the pace of the drum. This helps to emphasize that time is mutable, and to encourage others to act--- time never runs out, but it does pass you by.
-6. The Chronomancer, filled with his disgust for the object in his hands and hearing the increasing drumbeat, realizes that something must be done. He could cast the disgusting clock away, but that would solve nothing beyond a temporary relief. He could destroy the clock himself, but he has no weapon and is not trained in their use. Instead, surveying those around him, his eyes meet those of the Warrior, and both of them realize that the time has come--- The Chronomancer is in need of a means of destruction, and the Warrior is ready and willing to destroy.
-5. The Chronomancer opens his fist and reveals the clock to the Warrior--- The Drummer raises the pace of the drum quickly (140-210bpm, depending on taste/preference/situation), reflecting his inner state. The Drummer's heart races at the sight of the clock. This device is the death of him--- long ago the way of the drum was abandoned for the way of the clock. The people left the ways of Fotamecus and adopted the delusions Chronos offered them. As long as this clock exists, the safety of the way of the drum cannot be ensured. Still, the Drummer stands and beats his drum, for the ways of Fotamecus are needed now more than ever.
-4. There is a request in the Chronomancer's eyes, one that the Warrior understands. The Warrior presents his rock, and the Chronomancer smiles, holding the clock out to him. The Warrior takes the clock, and the Chronomancer returns to a steady posture, proud, knowing that the right thing has been done.
--3. The Warrior does not smile--- celebration now would be premature. His patience has been rewarded, and he has been given the opportunity for action, but the action has not yet been taken. He prepares for action by thoroughly examining his enemy. He takes in the clock in its every detail, coming to know it better than it knows itself. He begins to see its weaknesses, and contemplates them--- This machine requires such precision that the slightest impact will destroy it. Its grip on reality is a tenuous one at best. But though it may appear weak, the Warrior realizes that it is the power of the thinking behind this device that must be destroyed. Let the destruction of this clock act as inspiration to others to destroy their timepieces. And let the power of its destruction feed Fotamecus in his war against Chronos. Let the act of this destruction show the world that Fotamecus has his allies among the living, amongst those who refuse to become ensnared in the trap Chronos has laid for them.
-2. The Warrior drops to one knee, and prepares his victim. All participants realize the imminent destruction of the clock, and with eyes closed visualize the sigil of Fotamecus with all their intent, thinking--- Let this sacrifice empower him.
-1. The Warrior sets the roll of caps upon the ground, and the clock upon that. He places the rock firmly in his hand, and with the sigil of Fotamecus in his mind, raises the rock up and---
1. ---With a loud bang and flash of light as the caps explode beneath it. At this moment, the Drummer returns to his earliest drumbeat (60-80 bpm).
2. The Warrior rises, presenting the dead pieces of the clock (or what he's able to salvage) to the Chronomancer, who takes them from him. Examining them for a brief moment to ensure that the death is complete, the Chronomancer then presents them to the Drummer. Waiting for the right moment, the Drummer ceases to beat his drum, and accepts the destroyed clock from the Chronomancer as a symbol of triumph. Silence permeates the room.
3. All participants exit the working area silently: Observers first (the crowd disperses), then by the Warrior (who knows his task is done), then by the Chronomancer (who realizes that nothing more is to be done). The Drummer looks at the broken clock in his hands, smiles, and then follows a few moments behind, triumphant.
The Sigil of Fotamecus:
1. While this ritual is designed for a group, others are welcome to adapt it for solo use. It is primarily the emotions and symbolism that compose this rite; details are unimportant. Change it to suit your circumstances.
2. We performed our rite during a time change when Daylight Savings Time becomes Standard Time, in the "hour that does not exist" between midnight and midnight. You should try to time your ritual to coincide with a significant moment in a cycle of time, be it a time change, sunset, sunrise, midday, midnight, solstice, equinox, or otherwise.
3. This ritual was designed without words. There ain't none. If you need 'em, make 'em up yerself. We were quite happy performing the ritual in complete and total silence, with a loud "BANG" at the end.
4. Don't worry about thinking exactly the same things that are written down here; the words in this rite are designed to show you the emotions that you should be feeling during each part of the rite. You don't need to have an internal dialogue going; you shouldn't be "reciting the lines in your head". Let the emotions carry you through the ritual; spontaneous thoughts may arise out of these emotions and acts, giving insight into actions taken. It is the emotive force raised by each individual that powers this rite.
5. The caps work even better if you have observers who don't know that they're being used--- They'll jump in surprise/terror/bewilderment when the clock "explodes"--- Gnosis is achieved when everyone wets their pants. Have the Warrior keep them hidden until everyone closes their eyes and he kneels to prepare the clock for sacrifice.
6. Any participants (or anyone at all) may petition Fotamecus for help at any time after the rite. He seems to show special favor for people who have dedicated themselves to his war. He can compress and expand time quite efficiently, speeding a trip to a destination, or stretching out those peaceful moments you want to enjoy. Time is malleable; otherwise why do this ritual at all? Details about Fotamecus himself are available elsewhere.
7. After performing the entire ritual in silence, it is often hard to start speaking again--- there is a palpable feel that clings to the people who performed the ritual. The traditional way to solve this problem is by performing a banishing ritual. Instead, we prefer to have the Drummer exit last, and to come out beating his drum loudly and screaming at the top of his lungs, breaking the spell that has been cast over the participants. Then banish with food, drink, and merriment!