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Alphonsus de Spina, in 1467, published his Fortalicium Fidei (Fortress of the Faith). He became a professor at the University of Salamanca and later a bishop of the church. He was consdidered an authority on all things theological, including demonology. He concluded that there are ten orderes of demons and that they totalled in the millions. He categorized the demons as falling into nine specific types. He also divided them into classes according to what their purposes are. Following the list of the demonic names and ranks are the explanations of the types and orders as de Spina recorded them.

Alphonsus de Spina's Nine Types of Demon

1. False gods

2. Lying spirits

3. Inquisitors

4. Vengeful

5. Deluding

6. Creators of Tempests

7. Furies

8. Accusers

9. Tempters de Spina's Division of Classes



Incubi and Succubi


Familiar spirits Nightmares

Those produced by intercourse with humans

Those in disguise

Those who assail saints

Those who persuade     Ten Orders of the Demonic












There are a number of other names that have been documented as that of demons. Some may be cultural or regional names given to already listed entities.










There are some noted as being demonics that also have a very high reverence as being benign and even maternal/paternal figures, in pagan cultures from past and present. They are as follows :








Abaddon- (Hebrew) Destroyer, Advisor. Said to be chief of demons. Sometimes regarded as the destroying angel.


Abdiel-(Arabic) from "Abd" meaning slave. Lord of slaves/slavery.


Abduxuel- (Enochian) One of the demonic rulers of the lunar mansions.


Abigar- Can fortell future and give military advice.


Abigor- allegedly a warrior demon who commands sixty legions. Weyer names him as god of Grand Duke of Hell. Appears in a pleasant form.


Aclahayr- (Unk) Of the fourth hour of the Nuctemeron, the genius spirit.


Adad, Addu- (Babylonian, Hittite) god of the storm.


Adramalech- (Samarian) devil. Commander of Hell. chancellor of infernal regions. In Assyria where he was worshipped, children were supposedly burned at his alters.


Adriel - Mansions of the moon among the Enochian demons.


Aeshma, Aesma- (Persian) One of seven archangels of the Persians. Adopted later into Hebrew mythology as Asmodeus. Has been recorded in history for at least three thousand years. Said to be a small hairy demon able to make men perform cruel acts.


Ahazu- the siezer demon of the night.


Agaliarept- (Hebrew) commander of armies. Aussi General of hell - Grimoire of Pope Honorius.


Agares- devil. Wierius' hierarchy states Agares is the demon of courage.


Agathodemon-(Egyptian) a good demon worshipped by the egyptians.


Agramon- Demon of fear


Agrat-bat-mahlaht- One of Satan's wives and demoness of whores.


Ahpuch - (Mayan) devil.


Ahriman- (Mazdean) devil. Ahremanes was the name given to fallen angels by the Persians.


Alastor - Wierius' cruel demon called "the executioner."


Aldinach- (Egyptian) A demon who causes natural disasters (i.e. floods, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes).


Alocer, Allocer-Grand duke of hell. One of Solomon's 72 spirits.


Alu-Demon- (Semitic) Night demon.


Amaymon- Evil Spirit, king of South.


Amducious- (Hebrew) The destroyer.


Amducias- Grand Duke of Hades. According to Wierius a demon of music.


Amy- Said to be supreme president of hell. He will trade knowledge for the human soul.


Andras- god of quarrels. Grand marquis of hell.


Anneberg- (German) demon of mines.


Ansitif- Possessed Sister Barbara of St. Michael in 1643 during the possessions of the nuns at Louviers.


Apollyn- (Greek) Another name for Satan.


Ardat-Lile- (Semitic) a female spirit/demon who weds human beings and wreaks havoc in the dwellings of men.


Arioch- Demon of vengence. He delivers vengence only when called on.


Arphaxat- The demon who possessed Loise de Pinterville during the possession of the nuns at Loudun.


Ashtaroth, Astaroth-(Phonician)- goddess of lust, seduction. Same as Ishtar. Turned male in christian mythology - Lord Treasurer of Hell. Prince of accusers and inquisitors. Demon of vanity and sloth.


Asmodeus, Asmoday-(Hebrew) god of lust. A demon most commonly involved in possession cases, particularily noted in the possession of the Louviers nuns. Evolved from the Persian Aeshma.


Asmodeus- (Heb) devil of sensuality and luxury, originally 'creature of judgement'. He was the overseer of all the gambling houses in the court of Hell, and the general spreader of dissipation. In addition, Asmodeus was the demon of lust, responsible for stirring up matrimonial trouble.


Asmoday-A king of hell according to the Key of Solomon. He can grant invincibility.


Astarte- Queen of spirits of the dead.


Atazoth-The most powerful of the Dark Gods in the pantheon of the Order of the Nine Angles. The name itself signifies in one sense the purpose of the cosmic cycies and the opening of the Gates since 'Atazoth' as a word means 'an increasing of azoth.


Awar - Son of Iblis. Arab demon of laziness.


Aym - Grand duke of hell. Also Haborym.


Ayperos-Prince of hell. Subordinate in Grimoire of Pope Honorius.


Azanigin- Mother of all demons who lie waiting in Earth in the pantheon of the Order of the Nine Angles.


Azathoth-Rules all time and space from a black throne at the center of Chaos.


Azazel- (Hebrew) god/demon of war.


Baal, Bael- (Hebrew) devil. Means "the lord." The Canaanites worshipped Baal and held rituals at which children were burned for sacrifice. According to Wierius, this demon is the first monarch of hell and appears as a three headed beast. Bael is cited in the Grand Grimiore as commanding general of infernal armies.


Baalberith, Balberith-(Canaanite) Lord of covenant later made god of death. According to Wierius - a demon master of the infernal alliance. In some hierarchies he is the secretary of the archives of hell. Demon of blasphemy and murder.


Baalzephon- (Canaanite) Captain of guard and sentinels of Hell according to Wierius.


Babael- Keeper of graves.


Balaam-(Hebrew) avarice and greed.


Balan- (Unk) A demon in Wierius' hierarchy said to be high in the monarchy. The demon of finesse and ruses. Also a prince of hell.


Balban- (Unk) a demon of delusion.


Baltazo-(Unk)The Demon who possessed Nicole Aubry of Laon in 1566.


Baphomet-God of the Templars. Worshiped as Satan. The Templar's are thought, by some, to be one of the earliest sects of Demonolatry.


Barbas- (Unk) a demon of mechanics according to some hierarchies.


Barbetos-(Unk) Duke of Hades.


Bar-Lgura- (Semitic) A gargoyle type demon who is said to sit atop houses and pounce on the inhabitants.


Bast- (Egyption) goddess of pleasure. Represented by a cat.


Bathym, Bathim, Bathin- (Unk) Demon of herbs and precious stones according to Wierius. One of the 72 spirits of Solomon.


Bayemon- According to the Grimiore of Pope Honorius a reigning monarch demon presiding over western infernal region.


Bechard, Bechaud- Demon of the natural forces.


Beelzebub, Beelzebuth, Belzebath (Hebrew) Lord of Flies. Among the demons blamed for the demonic possessions of the nuns at Loudun.


Behemoth- (Hebrew) Another name for Satan.


Beherit-(Syriac) Another name for Satan.


Belial, Beliar- (Hebrew) The earth elemental. Speculation has suggested the name Belial comes from the Hebrew phrase beli ya 'al meaning "without worth." Prince of trickery. One of the 72 princes of Solomon.


Belphegor, Belphegore, Baalphegor-Demon of discovery, invention, and riches.


Beng-A romany name for the devil.


Bifrons- demon of astronomy, geometry, and other such sciences. A demon who lights strange lights above tombs of the dead.


Bile- (Celtic) god of Hell.


Budsturga -A blue, aetherial entity related to Order of the Nine Angles' l3th path. Tradition relates it as a Dark God, of female aspect, trapped in the vortex between the causal and acausal spaces, In one sense represents hidden wisdom - but generally dangerous to sanity.


Buer- a demon of the second order who commands fifty legions.


Cambions-Offspring of Incubi and Succubi.


Carreau- Mercilessness.


Cassiel,Caspiel- Ruler of Saturn.


Caym,Caim- Grand President of Hell.


Charon-Boatman of hell. Ferries souls across styx and/or archeron.


Choronzon- demon of dispersion, guardian of the Abyss.


Clauneck-Demon over treasures and riches.


Clisthert- a demon who can change day to night and night to day.


Cresil- Demon of impurity and slovenliness.


Cunali - One of the demons of the 8th hour of the Nuctemeron.


Dagon- (babylonian) another serpent god and god of ocean. The most prominent form of worship in Babylon was dedicated to Dagon, later known as Ichthys, or the fish. In Chaldean times, the head of the church was the representative of Dagon, he was considered to be infallible, and was addressed as ‘Your Holiness’. Nations subdued by Babylon had to kiss the ring and slipper of the Babylonian god-king. The same powers and the same titles are claimed to this day by the Dalai Lama of Buddhism, and the Pope. Moreover, the vestments of paganism, the fish mitre and robes of the priests of Dagon are worn by the Catholic bishops, cardinals and popes."


Delepitorae, Delepitore- demoness of sorcery enlightenment.


Demogorgon, Gorgo- (Greek) devil.


Dracula-(Romanian) devil.


Eblis-(Mohammedan) god of fire.


Emma-O-(Japanese) ruler of Hell.


Euronymous, Eurynomous-(Greek) god of death. Prince of hell who feeds upon corpses.


Flereous, Feurety- god of fire. Fire Elemental used in place of Satan. Lieutenant of hell.


Furfur- Holds rank as count of hell.


Gaki-Japanese Buddhism, are the spirits of jealous or greedy people who, as punishment for their mortal vices, have been cursed with an insatiable hunger for a particular substance or object.


Geryon-(literary-Dante) Centaur/Dragon who guards hell.


Gorgon-(Hebrew) Greek mythology, the Gorgons ("terrible" or, according to some, "loud-roaring") were vicious female monsters with sharp fangs and hair of living, venomous snakes..


Grigori-Grigori or Watchers are a group of fallen angels who mated with mortal women, giving rise to a race of giants known as the Nephilim.


Haborym-(Hebrew) Another name for Satan.


Hecate- (Greek) goddess of underworld and sorcery. Queen of witches.


Hela- (Teutonic) goddess of death, daughter of Loki.


Ifrits- (Arabic) Evil, hideous spectres. Became Genies in Persian and Indian mythology. Also associated with Jinns and Divs of Persia.


Incubus-male demon of seduction said to invade a woman's dreams.Various spellings: Inncubus, Inccubus. Plural = Incubi


Ishtar- (Babylonian) goddess of fertility.


Jezebeth- the demon of falsehoods.


Jikininki- Japanese man-eating ghosts. Jikininki lament their condition and hate their repugnant cravings for dead human flesh.


Kali-(Hindu) daughter of Shiva, the destroyer.Kali ("the black one") is the Hindu mother goddess, symbol of dissolution and destruction.


Kasdeya-The Book Of Enoch refers to this demon as the "fifth satan"


Kobal- Hell's entertainment liason.


Kostchtchie-(Russian) a goblin of death.


Leonard- (german) Demon of sorcery Appears as a giant black goat.


Leviathan-(Hebrew) the serpent, the raging sea. Snake worship. Water Elemental. Grand admiral of hell. Seen as androgynous.


Lilith-(Hebrew) in Hebrew myth - Adam's first wife. Later wife to Satan. According to many demonologists, Lilith presides over Succubi. Lilith is said to attempt to destroy newborn infants. For this reason the practice of writing a formula to drive Lilith away on all four corners of the birth chamber was adopted by the Jews. Lilith is the princess of hell.


Loki- (Teutonic) devil.


Lucifer- (Roman)The Light Bringer. Air Elemental. Often misconstrued as being Satan.


Lucifuge, Lucifuge Rofocale-(Roman) devil.


Malphas- Grand president of the infernal regions. Appears as a crow.


Mammon-(Aramaic) god of wealth & profit.


Mandragoras- Familiar demons. They are attributed to the mandrake root and considered gifts from Satan to the sorcerer who conjures them.


Mania- (Etruscan) goddess of Hell.


Mantus-(Etruscan) god of hell.


Mara- (Buddhist) a demon who attempts to damn the soul.


Mastema- leader of human/demon offspring.


Melchom-the treasurer of the palace of hell.


Mephistopholes, Mesphito- (Greek) the light shunner. Counterpart of Lucifer.


Merihim- the prince of pestilence.


Mictain-(Aztec) god of death


Moloch-(Phoenician) devil


Murmur-Demon of music. A count of hell.


Mush- (Iran) Demon of eclipses and of night.


Naamah- (Hebrew) seduction


Naburus, Naberios- protector of the gates of hell. Associated with Cerberos. A marquis of hell.


Nergal- (Babylonian) god of underworld. A second order demon.


Nihasa- (American Indian) devil.


Nija- (Polish) god of underworld


Nina- (Babylonian) Serpent Goddess.


Nybras- an inferior demon who publicizes the pleasures of hell.


Nysrogh- another second order demon - who- is chief of staff in the palace of hell.


Oni (Japan) Demon that creates and lives in the eye of its tempests.


Onoskelis- a female demon, she is able to take multiple shapes, however usually she appeared as a beautiful satyra .


Orias- Demon of divination. Marquis of hell.


Oroan-(Guyana) Demon of the eclipse.


Orthon-a demon of unknown origin who is said to have ties with possessions in france and with the Satanic-Masonic cult of Palladinism in 19th century Italy.


Pan- (Greek) god of lust.


Paymon- master of infernal ceremonies.


Philotanus-a second order demon in service to Belial.


Pluto- (Roman) god of underworld.


Proserpine- (Greek) queen of underworld.


Pwcca- - (Welsh) in Celtic Mythos derived from this name for Satan.


Pyro- A demon prince of falsehood.


Pytho - a demon of lies. A serpent demon.


Rahu-(Hindu) devil.


Rakshasa- (India) demon whose appearance in the least, horrifying.


Raum- a count of hell.


Rimmon-(Syrian) devil.


Ronwe- the demon of knowledge. In some accounts - a lesser demon.


Sabazios- (Phrygian) the snake. Serpent worship.


Samael- it is thought this angel of death was the demon who tempted Eve. Also the prince of air. This is merely another name for satan.


Samnu- (Asian) devil.


Satan-(Hebrew) The Adversary. Lord of fire. Fire Elemental.


Satanchia- (Hebrew/Greek) devil. Same as Satan.


Sedit-(American Indian) devil.


Sekhmet- (Egyptian) goddess of vengence.


Semiazas-said to be the chief of all fallen angels.


Set-(Egyptian) devil


Shabriri- (Jewish Myth) a demon who strikes people blind.


Shiva- (Hindu) the destroyer.


Sonnilion, Sonnillon- (Armenian) goddess of hate.


Succorbenoth- demon of jealousy and said to protect gates and bridgeways.


Succumbus, Succubus- female demon of seduction. Said to seduce males while sleeping. Note various spellings. Plural - Succubi.


Tchort- (Russian) The Black God. Another name for Satan.


Tezrian- (Armenian) goddess of war


Thamuz- (Sumerian) devil. An ambassador of hell. Said to have started the inquisition and to have invented artillary.


Troian-(Russian) night demon.


Tunrida- (Scandanavian) devil.


Typhon- (Greek) Typhon was a monster/demigod the ancient greeks didn't have devils, only monsters...


Ukobach or Urobach- a fire demon.


Uphir- the head demon physician in the palace of hell.


Valafar-another grand duke of hell.


Veltis- (Babylonian) Evil spirit who assaulted St. Margaret.


Verdelet- Master of ceremonies of infernal court. Demon of the second order.


Verin- the demon of impatience.


Watchers-Names and Misdeeds of the Fallen Angels (aka the Five Satans) in 1 Enoch 69:4-12. (1 Enoch gives other lists of the names of the fallen angels as well.) This passage is odd because it mentions angels that are not mentioned elsewhere.

Yeqon - "one who misled all the children of the angels, brought them down upon the earth, and perverted them by the daughters of the people" Asb'el - "one who gave the children of the holy angels an evil counsel and misled them so that they would defile their bodies by the daughters of the people" Gader'el - "he who showed the children of the people all the blows of death, who misled Eve, who showed the children of the people (how to make) the instruments of death (such as) the shield, the breastplate, and the sword for warfare, and all (the other) instruments of death to the children of the people" Pinem'e - "demonstrated to the children of the people the bitter and the sweet and revealed to them all the secrets of their wisdom. Furthermore he caused the people to penetrate (the secret of) writing and (the use of) ink and paper" Kasadya - "he who revealed to the children of the people (the various) flagellations of all evil - (the flagellation) of the souls and the demons, the smashing of the embryo in the womb so that it may be crushed, the flagellation of the soul, snake bites, sunstrokes, the son of the serpent, whose name is Taba'ta" Names of fallen angels - Semyaz, Aristaqis, Armen, Kokba'el, Tur'el, Rumyal, Danyul, Neqa'el, Baraqel, Azaz'el, Armaros, Betryal, Basas'el, Hanan'el, Tur'el, Sipwese'el, Yeter'el, Tuma'el, Tur'el, Rum'el, and Azaz'el - 1 Enoch 69:2 .


Xaphan- another fire demon. Keeper of the furnaces of hell.


Yaotzin- (Aztec) god of Hell.


Yeqon - The Five Satans are the five angels, part of a group of angels collectivy know as the satans, described in the pseudepigraphical Book of Enoch as fallen angels—or, in some translations, as giants or titans—each of whom God cast into exile for different reasons. Their sins were also among the infractions that incited God to inflict the Great Flood upon the Earth..


Yen-lo-Wang- (Chinese) ruler of Hell.


Zabulon-Demon who possessed one of the nuns at Loudun.


Zaebos-(Sumerian) Grand Count of hell said to have gentile disposition.


Zagam- Grand king and president of infernal regions. Said to change things into its opposite. Demon of counterfeit.


Zapan- kings of hell.


Zeernebooch- (German) monarch of the empire of the dead.


Zepar- Grand duke of hell - god of war.