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Dream Categories




Dreams are projections - just as we are projected thought experiencing in physical reality. Dreams can be comprised of still images where you may see a face and telepathically receive information from that person or they can be animations wherein you view animated scenes.

Anxiety Dreams - Nightmares

These dreams often are fear-based and result in waking up with sweats and heart palpitations. There is generally a situation going on in the person's physical life that results in such dreams. Heed their warning and create change.


Creative Dreams

Within your dream you are shown something you are to create - perhaps something affecting the destiny of humanity. Famous inventors, writers, artists, and musicians were inspired by their dreams.

Color vs. Black and White Dreams 

Some people feel that as a dream manifests into third dimension it moves from black and white to color definition. Other believe that black and white dreams are dreamtime but dreams in color are parallel experiences. Further - dreams in black and white indicate an event in the far future - then same scene later manifesting as a dream in color meaning it is getting closer to physical reality.


Episodic or Sequence Dreams

Your dream is like a movie, involving a story that goes on and on in sequential order.


Teaching Dreams

Dreams can have layers that unfold over many days. In that time - Spirit can teach you through symbols of light or other means that raise your level of awareness. Shamanic dreams often teach lessons.

Flying Dreams

These dreams are common. You fly free, escapism, ascension to source - time travel or move through grid realities.


Repetitive Dreams 

You have the same dream over and over as if a message is being sent from other side, which you have to understand. Very often it is you sending yourself a message - often a warning.

Precognitive or Prophetic Dreams

You dream about events that manifest in the future usually within 3 weeks if not immediately. These can be personal or universal messages. You may also see your future partner, your children, a place you will live, or future events for the planet.

Universal Dreams

These dreams are related to information you receive from the collective unconscious - the grids of our experience - akashic records - hall of records - that which creates the reality in which we live. Whenever a dream presents symbols of a cosmic nature, in all probability it is a representation of a Universal dream. Such dreams are reflective of religious experiences, and denote changes that are to occur at some future time.

Shared Dreams (Dream Walking) 

You remember the events in your dream that involve another person. At the same time, another person in your dream remembers the same events



Spirit Dreams 

Messages are given by those who have crossed over or a religious icon. These are often the soul of someone you knew - guiding your journey or telling you that they are okay on the other side.

Sexual Dreams 

Sex plays a major part in our dream world for many of us. This depends of its importance in our everyday lives. It's a powerful driving force, like hunger and ambition. While we're awake, sex is ruled by social restrictions and conventions, but in our dreams, even the most timid of us can have explicit and excitingly sexy dreams once our repressed selves are asleep. Sexual dreams are very coming during puberty.


Tunnel Dream

You experience yourself moving through a tunnel into a white light or returning from the light. This may be accompanied by the sound of whooshing water. You may meet someone - or meet yourself - at the end of the tunnel - much like a Near Death Experience. While moving through the tunnel - you may move alone or see others. You can fly quickly or slowly. You can experience emotions with this dream journey - which often brings transformational messages.


Lucid Dreams

As consciousness is evolving to higher frequency of light and sound - so too are our dreams. With this comes the lucid dream in which you can control and alter the events in your dreamtime by realizing that you are dreaming.

If you become a lucid dreamer, this does not mean that all of your dreams are of this type. Dreams vary as with all things your consciousness experiences. There are many methods to use to create lucid dreaming. Here are just a few.

Before going to sleep - tell yourself think, I am going to have a lucid dream. This phrase will remain in your mind. When you dream - it will activate and you will know you are dreaming. Next you must fnd a symbol that when seen in dreamtime allows you to recognize that you are dreaming. Let's say your symbol is the 'sun'. Whenever you see that symbol in a dream - your mind will realize that you are dreaming and begin to interact freely.

For example . . . you are dreaming that you are walking on the beach on a nice sunny day. You look up and see the sun! Your mind relays the message to you - this is all a dream. You now can stop alter the events of this scene - projection - or move to another. The importnat things is expanding your conscious awareness to the point that you preceive the dream as a dreamtime experience.

This takes practice - but can be done. It will help you realize what is occuring on the other side when you sleep and the nature of dreams as projected illusion.




The following is from Animals Speak by Ted Andrews


Begin the process of discovering your animal totems by examining the animals you have been most interested in & the times of your life that interest was piqued. Use the following questions to help determine which animals are probably totems to you in your life.

1. Which animal or bird has always fascinated you? (We are drawn to that which most resonates with us. Those animals which fascinate us have something to teach us.)


2. When you visit the zoo, which animal do you wish to visit the most or first? (esp. children)


3. What animal(s) do you see most frequently when you are out in nature? Have you had encounters with animals in the wild? (The animals we encounter, in their city environments or in the wild, have significance for us. We can learn from them, even if only about survival within that environment.)


4. Of all the animals in the world, which are you most interested in now? (Our interests in animals change. Yes, we usually have one or two that are lifetime, power animals, but others become prominent when there is something importance or specific to teach us.)


5. What animal most frightens you? (That which we fear the most is often something we must learn to come to terms with. When we do that, it then becomes a power. Some shamans believe that fears will take the shape of animals, and only when we confront them without fear do their powers/medicine work for us instead of against us. Such an animal become a shadow totem.)


6. Have you ever been bitten or attacked by an animal? (Historically, if a shaman survived an attack, it was believed that the animal was the shaman's spirit totem and the attack was the totem's way of testing the shaman's ability to handle the power.)


7. Do you have dreams with animals in them or are there animal dreams you have never forgotten? (This is especially important if the dreams are recurring or if at least the animal image in the dream is a recurring one. Children often dream of animals, & attention should be given to these animals. They will often reflect specific spirit totems of the child.)


Basics of Animal Totems


1.) Every animal has a powerful spirit.

2.) This spirit may be its own, or that of a being who uses the animal image to communicate messages of the world to humans.

3.) Every animal has its own talents. A study of its talents will reveal the kind of medicine, magic, and power it can help you to develop within your own life. Remember, every animal has a specialty

4.) Lifelong power animals are usually wild, not domesticated, animals.

There are a few exceptions, but even these exceptions are just links to the true power animal. For example, people may have dogs or cats as totems. These have their own medicine and power, but the domesticated animal may only be a softened form of its wild counterpart. A dog may be a link to the wolf, coyote, or any of the wild canine family. A cat may be a link to a member of the wild feline family, such as panthers, lions, tigers, and such. For many, beginning with the domesticated form of the totem is a way of laying a foundation so that some day they will be able to handle and work more effectively with its true power form.


5.) The animal chooses the person, not the other way around. Many believe that they can just choose an animal and start communicating with it. Usually ego gets in the way at these times. The individual chooses the animal he or she believes to be the most glamorous and powerful, rather than what is harmonious to the individual. The results are ineffectual and often frustrating. No animal is better or worse than any other. Every animal's medicine is unique. It is always much better to be powerful in mouse medicine than to be clumsy and ineffectualin eagle medicine. You will find your greatest success in the animal that comes to you.

6.) You must develop a relationship with your totem. To communicate with them demands respect. You must learn their point of view. Animals won't just warm up to you immediately. They must learn to trust you and your limitations, and you must learn to trust them and their limitations. This takes time, patience and practice.

7.) You must honor your totem for its medicine to be effective in your life. The more you honor them - the more significance you give them within your life - the more powerful and effective they become. Some of the ways you can honor them and draw them closer into your life is by: Hanging pictures of them, Drawing pictures of them, Reading and learning as much about them as possible. Buying figurines of your totem for yourself or purchasing small tokens and images of your totem and giving them to friends as gifts. These fetishes are a reminder of the power and spirit of your totem animal. Donating to wildlife organizations with time and / or money. Dancing to honor your totem is a powerful link. Learn to mimic its behaviors. If it's a turtle, learn to creep like a turtle. If it's a lion, learn to crouch like a lion. If it's a bird, imitate its hopping or flying. And most importantly, keeping the animal alive within your imagination. See yourself as the animal totem using its qualities in appropriate places within your life. Remember that the imagination is a real link to your totem.


8.) Once you learn to work with the medicine of your power animal, it then becomes a doorway to connecting with others of the animal realm. You are not limited to just one totem. Each can teach or add something to your life that the others can't. Working with your power animal will help teach you how to align with others. This way if you need greater strength, you can call up the image and draw upon the energy of a bear. If you need speed, you can connect with the energy of cheetah. Through your power animal, you learn to align with and shapeshift to the energies of other animals and beings.

9.) Although there are one or even several totems that are strongest in your life and remain with you through most of it, others do play a role. You may have a totem for a day. You may have a totem that assists you through a particularly rough period in your life. One may come to you and stay with you through a cycle of several years. Another may be present when you do creative work. You are likely to have different totems for different areas of your life. There's no limit to the totems you can work with.

The key though is to connect strongly and fully with at least one. This expands the consciousness and opens the bridge toothers more easily.

10.) More than one person can have the same totem. I know a number of individuals who work with wolf medicine. There are common factors in the way each works, but there are also differences. The archetypal energies and spirit reflected in the wolf will manifest for each uniquely, because each person is unique. The role the totem plays will be specific in many ways to the individual. Individuals who are in close relationships may share a totem. That totem becomes a guide to making the relationship stronger and more productive. The totem may watch over the couple. Totem sharing is not limited to couples. Healing and meditation groups often share a totem animal, to oversee the activities.

© 1997-1998-1999 Nyx Wolfwalker


Totem animals


BAT: Initiation, Rebirth, Changes, Blessings, Trust, Instincts, Perspective.

BEE: Community, Celebration, Organization.    


BEAR:Introspection, Power, Prophecy, Intuition, Sovereignty, Instinct, Transformation, Strength, Courage, Stamina, Harmony, Healing, Visions, Leadership.

BLACKBIRD: Enchantment, The Gateway, The Inner Call.  


BULL: Wealth, Potency, Beneficence, Fertility, Strength, Power, Courage, Stamina, Sexuality.


CAT: Guardianship, Detachment, Sensuality, Mystery, Magic, Independence, Protection, Teacher, Confidence, Gentleness, Caution, Alertness, Spirit detection.

CHEETAH: Decisions, Swiftness, Speed, Self - Esteem.


CRAB: Sensitivity, Emotions, Loyalty.       

COUGAR: Growth, Strength, Power, Opportunities, Balance

COYOTE: Wisdom, Jokester, Tasks, Adaptations, Teaching, Demonstrating, Communicating, Resourceful, Cunning, Discernment.   


DEER: Gentleness, Love, Alertness, Camouflage, Attention, Intuition, Dreams, Communication, Serenity, Acceptance.


DOG: Guidance, Protection, Loyalty, Faithfulness, Protection, Playfulness.

DOLPHIN: Dimensions, Curiosity, Playfulness, Balance, Compassion, Understanding, Love, Calm, Eloquence, Freedom, Emotion.


DRAGON: Passion, Depth, Connection, Power, Potential, Riches, Inspiration, Insight, Vitality, Transmutation.

EAGLE: Understanding, Completion, Initiation, Power, Intelligence, Renewal, Courage, Healing, Creation.

ELEPHANT: Power, Strength, Warrior, Memory.

FOX: Cunning, Diplomacy, Wildness, Camouflage, Shapeshifting, Invisibility, Survival, Intuition, Adaptability, Observation.   

FROG: Cleansing, Clairvoyance, Medicine, Sensitivity.  


GOAT: Climbing, Stability, Confidence, Achievements, Loyalty, Ambition.

HAWK: Nobility, Recollection, Cleansing.  

HORSE: Travel, Power, Freedom.  


HUMMINGBIRD: Knowledge, Contradiction.

JAGUAR: Ferocity, Strength, Agility.     


LEOPARD: Silent, inconspicuous, intuition, instincts, Perseverance, Dignity, Aggression, Confidence, Swiftness, Cunning, Strength, Boldness, Visions, Vitality, Perception, Achievements, Knowledge.  

LION: Leadership, Organization, Wisdom, Enthusiasm, Assertion, Strength, Courage, Energy, Creativity, Intuition, Imagination.

LYNX: Secrets, Knowledge, Clairvoyance, Meditation, Patience, Achievements. 

MOUSE: Scrutiny, Organization, Trust, Innocence, Observation, Cleaning, Hyperactivity.   


OTTER: Joy, Play, Helpfulness, Sharing, Faithfulness, Feminine, Medicine, Creativity.

OWL: Detachment, Wisdom, Change, Omens. 


PANTHER: Ferocity, Visions, Valor, Discipline, Control, Wisdom, Sensitivity.   

RABBIT: Rebirth, Intuition, Balance, Fertility, New Life, Dietary, Spirit detection, Transformation, Defense.

RACOON: Dexterity, cleanliness, disguise, explorers, curious, secrecy, transformation, courage.  

RAM: Sacrifice, Breakthrough, Achievement, Strength, Power, Courage, Battle.


RAVEN: Healing, Initiation, Protection, Magic, Shapeshifting, Creation.

SCORPION: Power, Intuition, Sensuality, Leadership, Dreams.   


SEAL: Love, Longing, Dilemma.  


SNAKE: Rebirth, Resurrection, Initiation, Wisdom, Transformation, Healing, Sleep, Calm.

SQUIRREL: Activity, preparedness, awareness, sociable, playful, Balance.


SWAN: Soul, Love, Beauty. 

TIGER: Power, devotion, tact, skill, adventure, passion, Courage, Sensitivity,

Devotion, Endurance, Energy, Nobility, Strength, Creativity, Healing, Sensuality.

WHALE: Awakening, Creation, Movement, Imagination, Inspiration. 


WOLF: Intuition, Learning, Shadow, Guardianship, Ritual, Loyalty, Spirit, Magick, Dreams, Meditation, Wisdom, Pathfinder, Teacher, Friendship, Trust.         



Astronomical Glossary


Aphelion (Aph): The point in a planet's orbit that is farthest from the Sun.


Apogee (Apo): The point in the Moon's orbit that is farthest from Earth.


Celestial Equator (Eq): The circle around the celestial sphere that is halfway between the celestial poles. it can be thought of as the plane of Earth's equator projected out onto the sphere.


Celestial Sphere: an imaginary sphere projected into space that represents the entire sky, with an observer on Earth at its center. Al celestial bodies other than Earth are imagined as being on its inside surface.


Conjunction: The time at which two or more celestial bodies appear closest in the sky ... Inferior (Inf.): Mercury or Venus is between the Sun and Earth. Superior (Sup): The sun is between a planet ad earth.


Declination: The celestial latitude on an object in the sky,measured in degrees north or south of the celestial equator; analogous to latitude on EArth. The Almanac gives the Sun's delication at noon PST or PDT.


Dominical Letter: A letter from A to G, denoting Sundays in the ecclesiatical calendar for a given year, determined by the date on which the first Sunday falls. If it falls on Jan. 1, the letter (for the year) is A; if it falls on Jan. 2, the letter is B. and so on.


Eclipse, Lunar: The full Moon enters the shadow of Earth, which cuts off all or part of the Moon's light. Total: The Moon passes completely through the umbra (central dark part) of Earth's shadow. Partial: Only part of the Moon passes through the umbra. Penumbral: The Moon passes through prenumbra (area of partial darkness surrounding the umbra).


Eclipse, Solar: Earth enters the shadow of the new Moon, which cuts off all or part of the Sun's light. Total: Earth passes through the umbra (central dark part) of the Moon's shadow, resulting in totality for observers within a narrow band on Earth.


Annular: The Moon appears silhoueted against the Sun, with a ring of sunlight showing around it. Partial: The Moon blocks only part of the Sun.


Ecliptic: The apparent annual path of the Sund around the celestial sphere. The plane of the eclipitic is tipped 23 1/2 degrees from the celestial equator.


Elongation: The difference in degrees between the celestial longitudes of a planed and the Sun. Greated Elongation (Gr. Elong.): The greatest apparent distance of a planet from the Sund, as seen from Earth.


Epact: A number from 1 t0 30 that indicates the Moon's age on Jan. 1 at Greenwich, England; used for determining the date of Easter.


Equinox: When the Sun crosses the celestial equator. This occurs two times each year. Vernal around March 21 and Autumnal aound September 23.


Evening Star: A planet that is above the western horizon at sunset and less than 180 degrees east of the Sun in night ascension.


Golden Number: A number in the 19-year cycle of the Moon, used for determining the date of Easter. (The Moon repeats its phase approximately every 19 years). Add 1 to any given year and divide the result by 19; the remainder is the Golden Number. If there is no remainder, the Golden Number is 19.


Julian Period: A period of 7,980 years beginning Jan1, 4713 B.C. Fevised in 1583 by Joeph Scaliger, it provides a chronlogical basis for the study of ancient history. To find the Julian year, add 4,713 to any year.


Moon on Equator: The Moon is on the celestial equator.


Moon Rides High/Runs Low: The Moon is highest aboce or farthest below the celestial equator.


Moonrise/Moonset: The Moon's rising above or descending below the horizon.


Moon's Phases: The continually changing appearance of the Moon, caused by the different angles at which it is illuminated by the Sun. First Quarter: The right half of the Moon is illuminated, as seen from the Northern Hemisphere. Full: the Sun and Moon are in oppositon; the entire disk of the Moon is illuminated as viewed from Earth. Last Quarter: The left half of the Moon is illuminated, as seen from the Northern Hemisphere. New: The Sund and Moon are in conjuction; the entire disk of the Moon is darkened as viewed fromthe Earth.


Moon's Place, Astronomical: The actual postion of the Moon within the constellaions on the celestial sphere. Astroligcal: The astrological positon of the Moon within the zodiac according tocalulations made over 2,00 years ago. Because of percession of the equinoxes and other factors, this is not the Moon's actual position in the sky.


Morning Star: A planet that is above the eastern horizon at sunrise and less than 180 degrees west of the Sun to right ascension.


Node, Acending/Descending: Eithr of the two points whte a body's orbit intersects the ecliptic. The body is moving from south to north, of the ecliptic at the ascending node, and from north to south at the descending node.


Occultation (Occn.): The eclipse of a star or planet by teh Moon or another planet.


Opposition: The Moon or aplanet appears on the opposite side of the sky from the Sun (elongation 180 degrees).


Perigee (Perig.): The point in the Moon's orbit that is closest to the Sun.


Perihelion (Perih.): The point in a planet's orbit that is closest to the Sun.


Procession: The slowly changing positon of the stars and equinoxes in the sky resulting from variations in the orientaion of Earth's axis.


Right Ascension (R.A.): The celestial longitude of an object in the sky, measured eastward along the celestial equator in hours of time from the vernal equinox; analogous to longitude on Earth.


Roman Indication: A number in a 15-year cycle, established Jan. 1, A.D. 313, as a fiscal term. Add 3 to any given yar in the Christain era and divide by 15; the remainder is the Roman Indication. If there is no remainder, it is 15.


Solar Cycle: Aperiod of 28 years in the Julian calendar, at the end of which the sdyas of themonth return to the same days of the week.


Solstice: summer: The Sun reaches its greates declination (23 1/2 degrees) north of the celestial equator. Winter: The Sun reaches its greatest declination (23 1/2 degrees) south of the celestial equator.


Stationary (Stat.): The aparent halted movement, as it reaches opposition, of a planet against the background otf the stars, shortley before it appears to move backward (retrograde motion).


Sun Fast/Slow: When a sundial reading is behind (slow) or ahead of (fast) clock time.


Sunrise/Sunset: The visible rising and setting of the Sun's upper llimb across the unobstructed horizon of an observer whose eyes are 15 feet above ground level.


Twilight: The interval of time following sunset and precding sunrise, during which the sky is partially illuminated. The three ranges of twilight are civil (from sunset/sunrise to when the Sun is 6 degrees below the horizon), nautical (greater than 6 degrees and ending at 12 degrees), and astronomical (greater than 12 degrees and ending at 18 degrees - full darkness)





Wonders Of The World 

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The Great Pyramid of Giza 
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon 
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
The Statue of Zeus at Olympia
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus 
The Colossus of Rhodes
The Pharos of Alexandria

The Seven Wonders of the Modern World

The Empire State Building 
The Itaipú Dam 
The CN Tower 
The Panama Canal 
The Channel Tunnel 
The North Sea Protection Works 
The Golden Gate Bridge

The Seven Forgotten Modern Wonders of the World

The Clock Tower (Big Ben) 
Eiffel Tower 
The Gateway Arch 
The Aswan High Dam
Hoover Dam
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
The Petronas Towers 

The Seven Wonders of the Medieval Mind

The Colosseum
The Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa
The Great Wall of China
The Porcelain Tower of Nanjing
The Hagia Sophia
The Leaning Tower of Pisa